Is Grandma spoiling my 10-year-old nephew by giving him a $200/month allowance? - 1

That has allowed him to buy 3 bikes, an XBOX, 2 computers, a full closet of video games, a stereo, flat screen TV, iPad, iPhone, and a bunch of other electronics.

Plus he goes to Disneyland, Knotts, and other amusement parks on almost a daily basis (he lives close enough to bike there).

Is his grandma spoiling him?

Yes, and if it continues he will turn in to a little snot. Defiantly Way too much. 20-50 a month is a lot for allowance, I do plenty of chores and get ZERO dollars, you should tell your grandma that giving him that much is ridiculous and it is just setting him up for a future of being dependant on other people.

YEP! That's what Grandparents do. I bet if you had a talk with her and if she wanted to give that much to him, She should have him learn to spend it wisely. Like a College fund or saving CD etc… Or even charity work. Something to show him to respect the gift he has been getting

YES! Of course she is! And I'm sure they both love it…

That's ridiculous but hey, she's only making it worse for him he's going to be accustom to things being handed to him that when he gets older he's not going to know the true value of a dollar… And that's probably going to result in some issues in the future

BUT: No grandparent (no matter how doting) gives a grandchild a $200/month allowance. That works out to $2400/year. No way! Nor does a grandparent take them to Disneyland and other amusement parks on almost a daily basis. How could your nephew find the time go to Disneyland, etc., on an almost daily basis? He has to go to school during the day!

It obviously depends on how he spends it, and it seems that he spends it right away. Of course he is spoiled, if she had taught him to save up that money, then he would be much better off.

If I was his parent, I would be concerned and talk to her about it.

You are not his parent, so find something relevant to worry about.