Is it fine? I haven't update iPhone 4S with iOS 6 and did iOS 6.0.1?
Can you expand a bit? Not sure what's the issue here. You definitely don't need to update if you don't want to. But is that what you wanted to know?
It doesn't matter. By updating to 6.0.1 you get all the major updates from 6, plus the bug fixes of.0.1. There would already be thousands of other people who have skipped the iOS 6 update, only to download 6.0.1 - imagine what a pain it would be for Apple if skipping an update caused major problems, and all the iPhones they would need to fix. It's in their best interests to ensure it's OK to do - and so it is.
- Why did my iphone 5 turn off and not turn on after a ios 6 update? I have tried everything it won't show its charging i tried holding down the power and home button but that won't work, the screen is just black and won't do anything. I even tried plugging it into my laptop and that won't work either How do i put it in DFU? I hook it up to my comp and nothing happens at all. Nothing pops up on my comp and my phone won't turn on at all
- My iPhone says it's charging when it's not. I did try a different charger and it charges fine.Can anyone help me fix this specific charger? My iPhone says it's charging when it's not. I did try a different charger and it charges fine. Can anyone help me fix this specific charger?
- IPhone software update. I did not agree to the terms and conditions and it downloaded anyway. Are there legal ramifications for Apple? My iPhone software updated overnight and prior to this I would always decline any software update and stayed on 10.1 iOS. I woke up to find the software was updated to 11.3 without my consent or agreement to the terms and conditions. That beeing said, what law, or rules were broken by Apple?
- In the middle of an iPhone update and my iTunes won't recognise my phone in order to continue to update. Can I stop the update now? Neither the computer nor iTunes are recognising my phone and I've been working on his for an hour, I want to stop the update so I can go to bed, how can I do that? It's only at the stage where it has a symbol on the screen of the iPhone cable linking to iTunes