Is it normal to feel like this?

So I'm going to a sleepover and I have to bring my iphone but I'm worried invade it goes missing at night. I know it sounds crazy but my phone means the world to me. How can I stop worrying about it? And is it normal to feel this way?

Itll be fine.
ddo you really have to take it? Keep it safe like under you pillow or in you pocket at all times

Get a life and get an android while you're at it.

Well if your are so worried about it put it in a safe place you know no one will touch, maybe in between your stuff in your purse, that's wht I do. And put it on lock screen.
But don't worry too much I doubt someone will steal it everyone has their own, unless your friend has a thief in the house that likes your iPhone.

You'll be fine, keep your phone hidden, turn the power off and put it on silent. Tell your parents that you are going to do it (if you do it). Hide your phone in secret and don't let anyone see that you are doing it.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself - What are you really worried about? Is it likely to happen?

And finally - is there any evidence that it will happen? Are your friends trustworthy? Hopefully your anxiety will subside a bit.

A sleepover is supposed to be fun anyway, so you'll probably end up enjoying it. But if it calms your mind, just leave it on loud and lock the screen (with a code). If it goes missing, you can always call it.

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