Is it possible for someone to totally reset a locked iPhone 4s?

Okay. Lets say someone got their phone stolen. (me). And they had Find My iPhone set up already.
Lets say the theif has the iPhone and knows about this form of tracking.
I know that if the iPhone is completely reset, its like brand new and has no record of an owner.
Lets say the theif wanted to do that so that the owner could not track the phone when they turned it on.

Is it possible for the thief to COMPLETELY wipe/reset the iPhone WITHOUT unlocking the phone or connecting it to GPS?

I'm waiting for the email that will tell me my phone has been turned on. It has for sure been stolen. Now I'm just waiting. But could the thief have already reset the phone? Could it be gone forever? And would apple let me know when there's no more record of my phone like if it was reset and wasn't mine aymore?

A little confused.someone please help… I just wanna find my phone… Got it 3 days ago… Brand new.

A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an individual operating alone or in concert with others who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty and honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naivety and greed.

No you can't do something like that, why? Once the iPhone is reported stolen your carrier can lock the iPhone and then track it down. This means that they can't access it at all.

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