Is it possible to download apps on the iPhone 3 with no data plan?

I got an iPhone third generation for Christmas that I'm excited about.

But, my parents said that it doesn't have a data plan, which, I'm not sure what that means. I know I don't get to use Internet or anything, but whatever.
So, can I download apps without a data plan?
Everything is up to date on the phone, itunes, etc, but when I click on an app, it says in bold letters "Update Required".
I can't update the thing anymore, and under that, it says in smaller letters, "This app requies iOS 4.3."

So, does it just mean I can't period, or that the iPhone 3 is out of date? Lol.

Please and thank you for answers! :]

Added (1). Well, how?

You can connect the phone to your home Wi-Fi in the settings, which will allow you to go on the internet and download apps. But i'm afriad your iphone is out of date, as we're already at the sixth generation. You will be able to download some apps, but most since most apps are up do date they don't support 3 year old versions of iOS.

Well your parents are cheap for getting you the iphone 3g right now they probably payed $5 for it but if you just connect to a Wi-Fi source you can download and update apps.iOS 4.3 is not available for the iPhone 3g. Apple no longer releases updates for the iPhone 3g.

What it means is that newer apps are designed mainly for idevices that have a certain newer OS.
Your phone can still download apps through Wi-Fi since you don't have a data plan, but certain apps won't work on it. There are still many apps in the app store that will work for your phone though!
Hope this helped!

Having no data means you can't use internet on the go but you can do anything with Wi-Fi, including installing apps

the iphone 3gs is out of date if you can't update ios anymore and apps won't support a ios as low as yours

The 3rd generation iPhone is the 3GS, but from what you are describing you have the iPhone 3G which is the 2nd generation iPhone. The 3G in the name was for the cellular data service, not the generation.

A data plan is internet access from the carrier. All iPhones can also use the internet via Wi-Fi. Just so you know.

You need some form of internet to download anything on any device. So if no data plan then you have to be on Wi-Fi. If not that as well, then no downloads.

The iPhone 3G can only update to iOS 4.2.1. If the app requires iOS 4.3 or higher then you are out of luck.

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