Is it safe/harmless to sleep with earbuds listening to peaceful music?

Is it harmless to sleep with Beats Earbuds listening to music on my iphone?

I don't want to electrocute myself while sleeping!

And will my iphone low battery? Die?
Stop music?

I wouldn't say it is the best idea because something can always happen in the middle of the night such as fires, burglars, earthquakes " maybe not so much " etc… And you might not hear it until it's to late.

Other than that there have been incidents where people fell asleep on their phone and the phones battery actually heated up and exploded and caused serious injury and caused a fire. I do not think you will electrocute yourself though.

Your phone will eventually die.

Why risk it?

I've done it before and it doesn't bother me. My earphones usually end up tangled under me because I move so much during the night. I do t do it anymore mainly for that reason

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