Is it safe to jailbreak my iPhone 6?

I jailbroke my iPhone 5 and it was awesome. I want to do it to my 6 but I'm scared. I've had it for 3 months and if something happens I'm screwed. I don't plan on getting a crap ton of dangerous apps, just a select few. Thoughts?

Go ahead! Just make a backup first. And if you screw up you can always restore your iPhone in iTunes, jailbreak on iPhone 6 is neat. And don't install dangerous apps and your good.

It is never safe to jailbreak. Jailbreaking opens the door to malware infections and destabilizes the phone.

The warranty will be null if you do. If you don't care about that, go ahead if you can.

Yes it is safe to jailbreak iphones. Just follow the right guide.