Is it so bad that i want an iphone 6?

I mean.i've just wanted an iphone since the 5 came out. I've been telling my mom repetitive times i wanted it. Now she's all day nagging at me that i don't study but still want an iphone. The other day she suddenly was like "well if my daughter wants it so bad, then i should buy it for her" but again today she hears how expensive it is and is all like "its all your fault, do you even care about your family, all you talk about is the iphone" i just want to own one so badly, its all ican think about. Being my mom, shouldn't she buy me one? My birthday was the other day, but still she won't buy me one! Girls younger than me already have it, why can't i have one? Ughh! I know that its not my mom's obligation to buy me one; but still.
If i had a daughter and there was something so badly she wanted i would buy it for her. And its not like we're poor. My mom could buy it and nothing would happen. What do you think?

Yes, it is very bad. I did not get my first cell phone until age 40, and it was ugly and heavy, weighing about 5 pounds. What a disgraceful, spoiled generation.

I did not get my first HANDHELD CALCULATOR until I was 23, one year out of college. My first desktop PC at age 49.

The iphone 6 is over rated. You want it because it's the new iphone, not because it's a good phone. Your mom is right

How about you pay for the whole thing and buy the outright, and your mum can pay prepaid for your credit. If you don't wanna pay for it your just a spoilt **** and don't deserve it. Your mum will probably say yes if you tell her you will pay for it.

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