Is it worth having an iPhone and an iPad?

I have an iPhone 4 which I use for telephone and texting, obviously, checking my emails at times, checking things on the internet and watching videos and listening to music (which I primarily do on my iPod Touch).

My parents have been asking what I want for Christmas and it dawned on me that an iPad may be a good idea. I'm a University student (First Year) and do think I would use it but I'm not sure if it's worth having the 2. I have had my iPod Touch for a while and since I got my iPhone is now only used for music and has taken a backseat to my iPhone.

I know I will obviously continue to use my phone for the telephone features and music and mobile internet but will having an iPad as well be useful?

Added (1). I also have a laptop which I do all of my work on and it will definitely be easier to carry an iPad into Uni rather than my laptop which is quite heavy.

What about GB? My phone is an 8GB I think and my iPod a 32GB so I'm guessing a 16GB would be OK for a few pictures, a little bit of music, apps and documents for Uni?

I have both and the ipads amazing when you own it,
You can now get word, excell, power point on the ipad so you can work from it with ease.
Surfing the web is super easy and you can use it all day and the battery will hold up.
Plus dragon speech is free on the ipad so that will save hours of work.
The possibilitys are endless

An iPad would be OK to have with a phone because you can buy a keyboard to go with it and its better for reading and gaming AND video's

I have both and I wouldn't change a thing. It is so much easier to browse on my iPad and it has so many features which my phone can't offer plus i have them synced so if I forget my phone somewhere I can still receive calls and texts via my ipad

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