Is it worth having the iPhone 6?
Is it worth having the iPhone 6?
Is it worth having one compared to… What exactly?
Buying a different model iPhone?
Buying an Android phone?
Not having a phone at all?
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I have the iPhone 6 plus and i love it, but i would love to have the 8 plus.
It just matters what one you personally like. The 8 may be more expensive but has a lot of cool features. Whilst the 6 is cheaper and has mostly all the same features. Of course by that I mean the 8 is closer to $1000 than the 6 is. I paid about $700 for my iPhone 6 plus but that's with accessories.
Tbh, I'm upgrading to an 8soon!
Didn't Apple stopped making the 6 and replaced it with the SE?
I still have my 6 and I only use it to watch tv shows through my cable company's app and listen to music. For everything else like internet, games, it's the 7+.
Free yourself from it all, and just give up all cell phones.
Its ok. Of course not the best available but it'll get the job done.
Historically, iPhones have been terribly overpriced. Unless you live off of iTunes, you will find that an Android powered flagship phone will be superior.
And it probably won't slow itself down in 2 years, or force download U2 albums, or be made with child labor. Oh but Apple makes the best camera? Then why do they buy their cameras from Sony?
Buying an iPhone for snob value is totally and completely idiotic. Nearly everyone has an iPhone these days and the rarity is nonexistent.
The iphone 6 is still supported by apple with current updates and is 2 generations from being obsolete. I definitely would say that the iPhone 6 can still pull its weight as its on the A8 64bit processor from apple. I will say, however, the iphone 6 is prone to many problems as it is the first move to that chassis style. Apple is well known for adding large improvements a little too quickly, and sometimes it does cost them. The logic board of the iphone 6 is susceptible to IC damage, as the phone chassis isn't well designed. There isn't a whole lot of material to support the board and keep it from bending. Just some things to keep in mind when buying an iphone 6 or 6 plus
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