Is it worth to buy iPhone 5 now? - 1

So after successfully graduated from my school, I may buy a new phone.

Which one would you buy now? IPhone 5? Galaxy S4?

I'm not sure if its a good idea to buy iPhone 5 now, because in few months, there could be iPhone 5S

I think you should wait so you can get the iphone5S bc then you will have what everyone else would and it will probably be better quality! I hope I helped u! But you can do what you want!

I would not recommend the Iphone, Apple releases a new one once they have hit a sales mark so they can mark more money. They are also really bad quality for what you pay.
I would get the Galaxy S4 for this reason.

Iphone5. My bro has the galaxy and he says the size gets annoying

If you're set on having a new phone right now maybe a Galaxy S4 would be the better idea because that one has only just been released so it will be much longer until there's an upgrade out.

You just answered your own question there man…

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