Is my iPhone backed up correctly?
My iPhone 4 device is having an issue, and I'm trying to get is swapped out today. I want to back up my data to the iCloud, but there's some confusion. On iTunes my phone is switched to "Back up to iCloud", and under that it says it's last back up was when I plugged it into my computer. But on my phone under iCloud backup, it says it has never been backed up. Is this normal? Two different answers doesn't help me out really…
If your iTunes is updated to the current iTunes…
1. Plug iPhone into computer
2. Right click the name of your iPhone
3. Back up
Btw I swapped my IPod and it kept EVERYTHING accept game data, an album that I didn't buy and my photos. To make it easier, go onto settings>iCloud> turn on anything you need, if you want to keep Photos, turn on photo stream and take pictures of the pictures you want to keep (home button and lock button at the same time) and then delete the previous ones (the ones you just took pictures of) and it will save on a sepperate album called photo stream.
The only reason to back it up is if you have anything that you didn't buy (not including free apps or music) that you would like to keep.
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