Is T-Mobile's network any good?

Would it work with the unlocked iPhone 5. Or nexus 4? Or should I just stick with Verizon. The main reason I want to switch is it's cheaper, and Verizon has screwed me so many times in the past with their nickel and diming, and constantly trying to make me switch from my old unlimited plan. So is T-Mobile any good?

Tmobile for iPhones is terrible since you only get 2G speeds. But for the nexus 4 it should get HSPA+ speeds. Which are decent but not LTE fast. Also t-mobile has very spotty and unreliable service based on my experience, but ask a friend with it or try out their prepaid for a month to see how well it works in your area

T-mobile can be great or bad depending on where you live, as their 4g coverage is spotty. If your area is covered by tmobile, you won't be disappointed, data is fast and prices are low, If you decide to go with tmobile, get nexus 4, as you won't get high data speeds with iphone unless you live in one of the cities where tmobile has re-farmed their network.
You can check tmobile coverage on their website

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