Is the 16 GB iPhone 5 enough?

Hi! So yesterday I went to get my iPhone plan wherein I have to pay close to 75$ a month, and I get a free iPhone 5 (16 GB or 32 GB). I wanted the 32 GB but it was out of stock, so I just stuck with the 16 GB.

I will probably only have like 500 songs max, and no I do not plan on downloading any movies/TV shows. Most of my apps are photo editing apps. I have the social apps like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram & WeHeartIt. I also have the Gangnam Booth, Fatify and Talking Ginger. The only games I have are Temple Run, Subway Surfers, Fruit Ninja, Happy Jump & Jetpack Joyride (since I don't really like playing games). After I take pictures/videos, I usually just sync them to my PC, post them to Facebook and delete them.

Now I currently have like 11GB left.

Thinking of getting the 32GB again, but I have to pay an extra 100$, since I can't exchange the phones (even if both 16 and 32 GB come free with the plan)… \(ioi)/

Enough? It should be more than enough, I'm sure. But, that's just me. I'm still stuck with the iPhone 4S, but I certainly have enough GB!

I think 16 GB should be enough. I have 16 GB on my iPhone 5 with 100 songs, a TV show (1 hr.long), about 500 pictures, and about 130 apps, and I still have 3 GB left. You should be fine with 16 GB.

It should be enough if you are transferring things to your computer & not downloading many game apps. The games apps tend to be the larger memory hogs.

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