Is the iphone 4s no different than the iphone 5?

I was thinking of getting my dad a iphone 4s for his birthday. But the new iphone is so expensive. For people with the new iphone, would you say it was worth it to pay so much extra money? It looks the same as the old one. Is there a real difference between the 4s and the 5?

Small differences. Iphone sucks.go with samsung.

Small sucks.go with Iphone.

***The IP5 is IMO is the IP4GS [IP4S PLUS 4G the LTE] and Simultaneous HD video and image recording which is already on at least 3 other phones

When the dust settles the IP5 will turn out to be a thinner, lighter, faster iPhone4S and the 1st phone that typically breaches the £1K contract tariff, A DUAL-CORE PHONE
the A6 the chip that is being promoted is a customised chip IE optimised to work best in the IP5

You need to step out of the orchard as you are seriously limiting your choices NOT to include better options even the IP4S is way weigh whey overpriced

Your ( subsidiary of the UK ooh!) 32GB Class 10 (THE BEST) microSD cost $34.00 So Quad Core eg16gb +32gb = 48GB or buy a 32GB iPhone4S

I can confirm that Samsung DID copy or the SGS III is picking up the same awards the SGS II eg just one of the 3 for the SGS III

If he's never had a smartphone before than go ahead and go with the 4S.

5's hardware is far superior to anything out there today. 4S is a really good deal for the cost though to, you can't go wrong with either imo. Here is a good video and details on iphone 5 if you haven't seen it yet:

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