Is the iPhone 5 much different than the 4s?
I have an iPhone 4s but the top button stopped working. It's covered under the warranty, and for $50 I can upgrade to an iPhone 5. I want to, but I'm not sure if it's really much different.
I don't want all of my cases to go to waste for my 4s, and I have lots of extra cords and stuff that would just be pointless with a 5.Is getting a 5 worth wasting the money I spent on all my cases?
They are pretty much the same
The larger display is not massively noticeable depending on the app, but it's still very nice. Speed does see a pretty solid performance upgrade. Clearly the 5 is the faster/better device; the question would be "Are the upgrades worth the extra money for me?". I feel they are, but in the end it's your choice. Also remember that they're both very good and solid devices and you won't be disappointed no matter which you choose.
No big adjustment but it has better quality check specification on the site from my source and you can get one for free
iOS 6 gives you more features to make the things you do every day even better.It's free and easy to upgrade wirelessly on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
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