Is there a way that I can get internet on iPhone without a phone line?

I'd like to be able to browse the internet via 4G or LTE ( not just Wi-Fi) or something equveliant, without having to pay a monthly wireless subcr fee to AT&T.

I don't call or text a lot, so I don't need the service.

The problem is that data only plans are not offered to smartphones. Phone carriers expect smartphones to have a plan to include minutes and text.

AT&T and T-Mobile do have a plan for monthly data only but the plan is expected for tablets and other internet needed devices. You can try asking to a representative for a phone carrier to see if they'll allow you to have a data only plan for your smartphone.

We would All like to use 4G/LTE without having to pay for it… But we All have to pay if we wish to use the service. You can't get it free, not from any major carrier anyway. That is where they actually make their money.

There's a company advertising free phone service including 4G, at least some 4G before it drops back to 3G. Can't think of the name off the top of my head, but Google will find it for you.