Is there an untethered jailbreak for iphone 4, 6.0.1 for mac?

If so, how do i do it?

Untethered not yet. Apple has made it so hard for the guys who come up with the jailbreaks to crack the iOS 6.0.1 or any other of the 6 and up version of the iOS. There was a tethered one out, but nobody likes tethered ones, plus it was glitchy. Also cydia had to be manually installed by a computer through a terminal which not all computers have. Also cydia tweeks have not been updated for 6.0+ iOS so you won't have much to do. In other words you're just gonna have to wait infortunetly.

Of course there's a jailbreak, there's a jailbreak for almost everything. All you need to do is go to the dev team blog, then from there there should be link at the bottom of the post.(make sure you get the most recent version of redsn0w) now download the link and follow all, since this IS a tethered jailbreak once it is downloaded onto your iphone go on cydia and download the "rocky raccoon" appliction to un-tether your iphone. Good luck!
(some of this content may be out of date)

No apple has made itsuper hard to jailbreak it they won't open there database to hackers