Is there any benefit to NOT working until you're out of college?
Because I was boggled down with school work all throughout high school (I took a lot of AP/Honors courses), I didn't get a job until the summer going into my freshman year of college. Out of all of my "smart" friends, I'm the only one who has a job. I'm not going to lie, it kind of bothers me that they have new cars, iPhones and laptops when they don't work. Now that I have a job, I pay for most of my personal expenses, such as clothes, gas for my car, and personal items. My one friend was valedictorian of our senior class and her parents aren't making her work until she's out of college.
What do you think?
Your parents are doing right by you.
Having 'things' without earning them is a bad example for any young persons future.
You won't 'die' by not having the latest-and-greatest, - yet your 'friends' will be in a drug withdrawl as their parents cut them off after a BS.
But then again, - I doubt their parents will really cut-them-off (financially).
One "benefit" of not HAVING to work at an outside job until you get out of college is that you can put all of your time, energy and focus on college. However, a lot of people (myself included) need(ed) to work in order to (help) pay for university.
While it's nice to be showered with gifts, when you're making your own money and paying your own way, you are actually a lot more independent than any of your otherwise endowed friends. And there's a great sense of satisfaction and all-important confidence which comes from knowing you can (financially) take care of yourself. Plus you are already accruing valuable work experience which always looks good on a future CV (job application).
People, especially young ones, who are given way too much, grow up to think they are ENTITLED to such; they don't necessarily know the value of money and the pride of doing a job well.
I agree with pat. You're the lucky one, and you are way ahead of the curve in maturity and work experience. This can only serve you well in the future. So don't be jealous. What you are gaining on your own is more valuable by far than what they are being given.
- Would there be a benefit of having bluetooth 4.0 if some devices use older versions? I have the iPhone 5 which supports BLE 4.0 and also own a pebble watch which also supports 4.0. My car however only supports bluetooth 1.2. Does this mean I will not experience the battery benefits of BLE since I will still need to connect to my car which is on the older 1.2 version of bluetooth?
- Why are people still working for a living when there's so much free money out there? You're stupid if you don't take what's up for grabs. I'm with my babies daddy but we aren't married, so I can still get single mom benefits which cover our rent, clothing and food. He works 20 hours a week at Applebees and his money goes toward our iPhones, cable tv, beer, tobacco and cigarette tubes and our nights out and we live a really good life. Why work when there's so much for the taking? It's out there, and it's free.
- How much would it benefit me if I purchased the Apple Aiport Express? As of now I own a Netgear N-150, but as you get to the back of my house you get a really weak signal. So for Christmas I have been looking in to getting the Apple Airport Express. I'm just wanting to know if its going to help with the range problems and if it will increase the speed. Just to let anyone know the only items we use are 3 ipads and a couple of iphones.
- Have you ever had your iPhone 5 voicemail delayed until you restarted the phone? I received a call today at noon but I didn't answer it. The caller left a voice message, but I didn't get it until 11 hours later when I turned my iPhone 5 off and then back on as a way to restart it (I do that everyday). My iPhone 5 is running iOS 6.1.3, and it's a 64 gb on Sprint. Have you ever had this same problem?