Is there any cure for tinnitus at all?

I accidenty was diagnoised with Tinnitus last year from listening to loud music directly from my Iphone speaker. As from today it's now been 1 whoke year since I have been diagnoised with it and unfortunately still have it. It's might irritating! Recon there's any cure at all for it? I know the doctors have told me there's not really a cure but there. Only thing is to just ignore it and get used to it but there must be something much more than that! I do wish it'll go away! It really bothersome

I've had tinnitus for 30 years. Some nights it's so bad I can't sleep. There's no cure, just try not to make it worse.

Click the above link… This will give you some insight on TINNITUS… I have suffered from this for decades. However, I had a tumor removed from my middle ear, and now have constant ringing in my left ear.

Tinnitus is brain damage and there's no cure… All you can do is to learn to live with it. Its a very common aliment.

How were you *accidentally *diagnosed with tinnitus? Do you mean that you accidentally got tinnitus by listening to loud music?
*mighty* irritating?
"Recon"? Do you mean *reckon?
*It's, not it

No, there's no cure for tinnitus.