Is there anyway I can restrict my iPhone to Wi-Fi connection only?

So this month I went over my data plan. Way over.Me and my family of four including myself, share a data plan. Apparently I use way too much Internet. The total amount we should be paying each month is around $100 and because of me, our bill this month was a little over $1, 000. My parents were insanely pissed but i don't wanna give up my Internet privileges. Is there anyway I could restrict my phone from using Internet connection unless connected to a Wi-Fi network?

Turn off cellular data

Go to settings, general, cellular, turn off cellular data.

Yes lucky for you there's a way. The first think you do is go to…

Go to the Settings app.
Click on General.
Then click on Cellular.
Turn Cellular Data to Off.
That will restrict your satellite internet and only allow you to use regulat Wi-Fi.
Hope I helped.