Is there somewhere I can go to hold/ use an iPhone 4 and iPhone 5?

I'm thinking about getting my first iPhone. I've had an iPad 2 so I know what to expect. I have medium-medium-large thumbs and want to know what the keypad is going to be like if I get an iPhone 4/ 5.Is there anywhere I can go that has the iPhone 4 (or 4s) and iPhone 5 on display that I can hold?

I know in Walmart, they have cameras on metal cords you can hold…

Added (1). With they whole keyboard size thing, you can still do landscape typing I think? So that'd be different.

AT&T store and Verizon Stores should still have the 4s in store to test out.

as for the keyboard, they are going to be the same since the phone only grew in height and not width… So the keyboard is going to be the same size on both devices.