Is Viber actually free? Why Sprint still charges me money for those calling and texting?

Ok so it's really weird. Everyone already known what Viber is right? When you use iPhone or Android you can have that app for free calling and texting (even internationally). And last month, my fone bill was $1000, my goodness, can you believe that? And Sprint said that because I use 3g through Viber so it's gonna be like 20 cents/txt. It's only free when I'm using Wi-Fi. Does any of you know about this ridiculous thing? If it's so, why the heck Viber didn't warn us at first before we get so into it then charge for money under the so-called "free call" and "free txt" buttons?

Viber did nothing wrong here, you're the one that made the mistake, you weren't using you rbrain here. Viber is a free voice over IP app, but if you're going to use it over 3G then you're being charged BY SPRINT for using 3G. Viber doesn't magically make 3G free, you're still paying for 3G. You were the one that messed up here and all I can say is good luck getting out of that one. You should have known you get charged for using 3G. Viber isn't charging you a single dime, and they even warn you that your carrier data fees may apply. Pay attention and read.

I've been using Viber for the past 2 years without a single problem, haven't been charged a single thing at all becuasae I actually knew what I was doing.

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