ITunes 10.7 won't finish installing?

I just got my iPhone 4 yesterday and have spent all afternoon trying to download the new iTunes to my laptop. I haven't used it on my laptop for ages so I wasn't bothered but now I can't set up my phone with out it and it just gets to this stage and freezes.html

I have tried it 7 times now and it just gets stuck and I have to turn off the laptop because it won't cancel, can't even open task manager to stop it. I'm getting really annoyed with it now has anyone got any ideas on what I can do?

If you are running into any trouble installing or uninstalling iTunes or problems with it in general you will probably want to check this article before you go completely nuts!

iTunes can be very difficult to uninstall properly because of a number of registry keys left behind by other pieces of software that it works with that also need to be removed. The article explains what you have to do step by step if you can't uninstall iTunes using the ADD/REMOVE programs. If you don't uninstall it properly you can get all sorts of errors when trying to install a new copy… Even if you try to write over your existing copy. It saved me hours of aggravation and I did not lose my music!

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