ITunes says I have 3 GB of other storage? How can I get rid of it?

I JUST got a new iPhone 4 this morning. I plug it into the computer to download music and it stops, saying that I'm over capacity and that I have 3 gigs of "other" storage. I've tried every trick there's to get rid of it but it just won't go away and I'm getting extremely frustrated. If you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated!

I've had this same problem before, and I've found that restoring the iPhone is the best option. When you hookup your iPhone to the computer, click on your iPhone in iTunes and click backup to this computer. Once your backup is completed, you should find an option in iTunes to restore iPhone to previous backup/factory default. You should click this and chose to back it up to the backup that you just did! This fixed it for me!

"Other" is basically, not the iOS, but the things that helping it run.

Its impossible to get All of it away but you can get Some off it away. Iv managed to keep it down to 600mb (under 1GB)

The first thing is shutting it down then turn it back on will usally change it.

The best option is to do a restore. (Re intall the iOS)

On itunes, connect your phone

Then press back up (because you want to save your data)

Then press restore

Wait for the iOS Software to download

Then wait to install

Once installed set up your iphone again

Then go back to itunes, and press "restore from back up" MAKE SURE IT IS "FROM BACK UP"

Then check again and you should have most of it gone

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