ITunes song not playing on my iPhone

I downloaded two songs on my computer the other day from iTunes. Whenever I try to drag them onto my iPhone's library, it looks like it's on it but whenever I try to play it from my phone it doesn't work. I don't know why, help!

First of all do you have the latest software which is 11.0.1 released approx: 16th December?

If not you can get it here:

Also make sure you do not have quick time on your computer - itunes no longer works with quick time, so if you have it, you should uninstall it:

Once you have up-to-date software, plug in your ipod and synchronize with your ipod;

you shouldn't need to click and drag anything.

If you still have problems: please edit at the bottom of your question, I will then edit back within my existing answer.

I hope my answer proves useful to you and would appreciate best answer if I have resolved your issue