Japanese/Korean: Who is the singer or what is the name of the song?

A Japanese or maybe Korean song. The video clip is a young beautiful lady wearing shorts singing a song and most of the song she sings in front of another lady same her age and they dance together.
Unfortunately I don't know the words, but it has the following:

1- A part of the song she says/sings "la la la la lah", then the music comes.
2- She mentions by the end of her sentences in English "Number one".

During the video clip she keeps dancing while singing.

If you know the youtube link I will be highly appreciated. I lost it when I accepted to merge/add my iPhone's favorite's on youtube to my personal youtube account. It somehow keeps my mood perfect as it is very cheerful song, I hope you can help!

This is the thing with questions like this. No one else but YOU knows what your thinking of. We could come close but it would probably be the wrong answer. Just go to youtube and type in 'number one korean song' or 'number one japanese song' thats what i usually do and i end up finding the song: P hope it helps

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