Laptop shell/Case lenovo G570?

I have a lenovo G570 laptop, (widescreen) And i already have a laptop bag. What i'm looking for is something more like an iphone case(the kind that wraps around and protects your phone while you use it) for my laptop, where can i get one? Please provide a link. I'm also looking for a place to get a decal sized for my laptop, so a link for a good place to get that would be nice too.

No not really. You might find one but it'll be over priced and hard to find. Sorry, there are laptop stickers for show but not for protection

I just bought a decal for my Dell laptop from and it looks awesome! You can go to the site, select your computer/phone/product(if they don't have it, send them an e-mail and they may be able to help you) and then you can customize your skin by creating your own design or selecting from one they have provided. The process was really easy and it turned out awesome in the end!