Laptop won't recognize IPhone [USB]?

I have an iPhone 3G, and its charging port is slightly damaged. I'm no techie, but the best way I can describe it is that the right side of that metal sheet [inside the iPhone] that goes in between the USB/charger is slightly bent. My laptop will not recognize my iPhone any more, I plug it into the USB port and nothing happens.
I can charge it, so I think it's something wrong with the USB port. Could you give me suggestions as to what to do? I used to add music pretty regularly prior to this incident… :/

Happened to me a few days ago. Windows 7 would not detect it. All I did was launch the latest ITUNES and connect the IPHONE to a different usb port. It was detected afterwards.

You might need to open it up and fix it eg replace parts or take it to a repair shop

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