Left SIM in my older Iphone?

I gave my 'friend' my iPhone 5c but I'd left the SIM in that phone.
I resetted it before giving it to him but I'm paranoid he's getting my text messages since I'm using the same number. I've been using iMessenger over Wi-Fi I thought that as long as it was over Wi-Fi conversations wouldn't be sent back and forth through text since it may be like the facebook messenger and as long as I don't text on 3g it wouldn't turn up on my old phone.

Am I screwed? We really arn't friends and I've had private convos with my social worker, doctors etc through this phone.

If you have the same number on a NEW SIM card the other one won't work it will have no signal or anything.
Sorry if this didn't

If you didn't cancel the SIM, he's seeing everything you are.

No, as far as iMessages go he wouldn't be since it was reset, but any standard text message would come through on that phone since that is where the SIM is in as well as calls.

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