Lost winds 2 chilling cave
I'm playing lost winds 2 on my iphone and I love it! But I'm at the chilling cave part and I guess my screen is to small because I can't move the fire from the torch to break the ice. Is there any way I can manually zoom out to see the fire and ice at the same time because I've moved all over the ledge and there isn't a place that does it automatically. If I can't zoom out is there like a cheat to break the ice some other way.(remember I'm using the iphone app.) I've also looked at like every walkthrough and they're all using the wii. Any help is greatly appreciated. Or if you can please find a walkthrough for chilling cave that is strictly iPod or iPhone only.
I have the same kind of problem too but after trying different types if methods (trust me, the fire method Does NOT work at all) I have finally broke the ice.
When you are in Chilling Cave go to the side opposite the ice barrier ( the place where the other trap is located and when you step on it a ball will drop from the barrier)
There, use the slipstream technique to make it move to the middle platform between the two traps. After that you move it to the ice barrier. It's okay if it keeps falling down to the ground floor, keep trying, I took like ten times to do it right.
Suspend the ball in the air and create a "vortex" (this is in the help menu) and swipe it to the ice barrier. It might also take a few tries before it breaks.
Sorry for the long walk-through! Hope you find it helpful ^^
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