Mac connected to wi-fi painfully slow
I have a Linksys Wireless G router. My home PC is connected just fine and works properly. However, for the last two or three days, my Macbook Pro and Iphone have either not been able to connect or when they do, it is so slow it really doesn't work. I get the "Connection timeout" error message when I try to connect. I have tried restarting the router numerous times and nothing changes. I'm not tech savy at all, so I really have no idea what to do.
You're either to far from the router or to many people using the same Wi-Fi.
I agree with DrDave. Ignore the guy above, I'm running my MacBook Pro on a Netgear router. Try moving closer to the router (or move the router closer to you). You may want to change your WEP or WPA2 Key (I asume you have one set up) to something random but easy for you to remember. DO NOT use birthdays or anything else that is directly linked to you as a password. Most internet thieves are people who know you. I had a guy who use to sit in his car in my driveway at night using my internet before I changed the WPA2 Key.
Also, try downloading and running CCleaner on your laptop (it's free). I doubt this will help you much, but, it does wonders for pc performance. Run the normal cleaner every other day or so (depends on how much surfing you do a day). You only need to run the registration cleaner about once a month (depends on how often you download and/or uninstall programs).
It's because you're trying to use Apple products on a Linksys router. They have special wireless products specifically for Apple products. That's how Apple works. They make products that are only compatible with their other products. It makes you spend more money.
If you had a good computer, you wouldn't have to sit next to the router to get a signal. You might as well have a desk top.
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