Mean girls at my school?

So I'm going to high school next year. But I'm not a popular/mean girls (btw I'm also a girl) at my school and they sometimes get salty and bully me because I'm not rich like them. They all have hydro flasks and AirPods and an iPhone X or iPhone XS Max or iPhone XR or iPhone 8 or 8 plus and apple watches and always go on cool vacations during holidays. And I have none of those things and that's why they sometimes bully me. I don't have AirPods or a hydro flask or an Apple Watch or go on cook exotic vacations and I only have an iPhone 5s. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for it and glad to have it. And I always feel bad about it and I can't ignore because they rub it in my face 24/7 and I've tried but just can't.

My advice is don't worry about them and focus on your work. You'll find true friends who love you for you and not what you have. Stay away from those mean girls because they arent worth the trouble.

Ignore them. You'll meet new girls in high school and they'll be better. Middle school is terrible. Those girls are spoiled brats and empty.

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