Metro pcs and iphone 4
Here's what i did: 1. Jailbroke my iphone with redsn0w i'm running ios6.
i added the appleflasher repo in cydia.
I installed the commcenter patch and metro pcs carrier bundle.
i paid someone on ebay to add my meid to metro pcs' inventory.
I then called *228 and it sent me to verizon.
The weird thing is i'm getting text messages sent to my number but my phone says my number is unknown and i have no service. Can someone help with a solution? I only want the basic talk and text at the least but that won't even work.
Added (1). To be clear its the iPhone receiving the text messages.
Added (2). @Michael when install the cricket bundle, what file do i rename in ifile and do i just call *228 from there?
Get a new one
You don't need to pay to get added to metro, look like you got scammed
Don't give up! I have my iPhone 4 flashed to metro and yes you do have to pay to have your meid put into metro system to connect to phone I did the very same thing but I used the cricket carrier bundle to flash. You also have to go in with ifile and and rename the carrier bundle as well. Your on the right track
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