Months ago I grew my iPhone and the screen dimmed and then went black, now phone won't turn on?

One day my phone got water in the cracked screen when I was washing my hands and it started making me click things on my phone that I wasn't clicking and I go to mad(I have anger issues I know) and I threw my phone. When my phone landed, I saw the screen dimmed and then went black, ever since, it won't turn on. I haven't brought it to my phone company but still paying the bill. I only have $169 left to pay off the phone so it's not bad. But I've been months without a phone because I can't get a new one without paying off this one.
I'm just wondering why it's not turning on? Did throwing it mess up the wiring inside? Did the water damage it, or me throwing it and the water?

Added (1). I'm sitting here with it now. First time I took it out ina while and I'm trying to find a way to turn it on. Not having luck, which I don't mind haha I'm just wondering what could be the problem inside and is there any chance it could turn back on? Don't care if there isn't because I'll get a new phone soon, but just wondering

Phones have very little wiring in them. But yes, you most likely damaged the LCD with the water and throwing it.

You can replace the display assembly and chances are that it will work fine but there's no guarantee.