My Christmas is ruined.what did I do?

Okay, I got an iPhone 5 for Christmas but it wasn't working yesterday on Christmas Eve. Today, I slept it, woke up all happy, and then I got yelled out. Saying how I lost my phone and how I'm selfish. But I didn't know what he was talking about. So he slapped me and spanked me and I didn't do anything! WTF! EVERYONE IS COMPLAINING HOW MY PHONE WORKS BUT I'M So EXCITED BECAUSE I FINALLY GOT AN IPHONE AND I'VE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS… AND NOW MY MOM TOOK IT BACK! SHE DROVE AWAY AND TOOK MY CELLPHONE BACK! RIGHT IN MY FACE!

What do you want us to do Payton? Sorry but there's nothing we CAN do.

Since you didn't really ask a question, I will just say that that sucks.

Your parents sound really mean to me. Don't get them anything next year.

They're going to come back and give you a toy-phone instead

That's story is confusing! Why would your mum take back the iPhone 5? Why is everyone complaining that you got an iPhone 5? Why did that guy say that then abuse you? Either you have the most weirdest family, it's a dream, or your Trolling.

Just keep calm, don't blow up. Sit down with your parents and talk it over. Christmas is supposed to be happy, so like I said, keep calm when talking it over. Explain that everything is being misunderstood, and that you're confused and would like to be told what's happening. If it's true that you did something wrong, explain that it was unintentional and you apologize for it. If you didn't do anything wrong (and you can prove it), explain that to your parents, show your evidence and maybe they'll give you your phone back. I hate to turn your Christmas into a trial, but it seems a little unfair to me.
Besides, just because this happened doesn't have to ruin your Christmas. Remember, Christmas isn't about material objects, it's about love, trust, family, and happiness. In fact, why don't you ask yourself "What's more important to me? My family's love and trust, or a cell phone?"
But, if you want to be a little sneaky and try to persuade your parents to give you back your phone (because I get the feeling they won't, even if you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe they will, but I know my parents wouldn't, so… But hey, keep your hopes midway), you could say:
"You know, it's unfair that I get punished for something I didn't do. I know, I love my mommy and daddy, and I know that they should trust me, so if I had my phone back, I'd feel a lot better. So far, Christmas has been hectic and sad for me, so having that iPhone would really make my Christmas!" Or something along those lines.
Lol, I hope you feel better, I really hope that you get things sorted out, and I hope you get your iPhone 5 back (I wish I had an iPhone 5! D: ). Most of all, I hope you have a merry rest-of-Christmas!
Happy Holidays!

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