My cousin is a brat?
So I have a cousin from Vietnam and I used to hang out with her a lot when I went and visit Vietnam for 6 weeks and she was one of the sweetest people ever. Fast forward to 2 years later, we're both 16 now and I just found out online that she's dating a 22-year-old guy from overseas. I told my mom about it and she told my aunt (my cousin mom) about it. Her mom freaked out and didn't know she's dating a guy 6 years older than her. I guess it's kind of common over there to date someone with a big gap age, but she's barely a sophomore in high school and he's gonna be graduating from college. She's also been calling my mom asking her for some money so she could buy a motorbike to drive herself to school and she didn't want to use her mom old motorbike. My mom wouldn't give her any money and a couple months later, my cousin then ask my mom for a new iPhone X because she got this new job that pays her to take pictures of the store product and post them online in their website and her iPhone 6 camera is broken and she can't use it. My mom declines her and told her to ask her own parents for one instead. She's also been sneaking out at night drinking and would come home drunk. Now she's saying that after she finishes school she wants to marry her boyfriend and have kids or if her mom lets her, she wants to drop off of school and marry her boyfriend and have kids. I don't know how I feel about her, she's also been asking me to buy her new clothes and makeup overseas too.
Added (1). I just found out they only dated for three months and he bought an airplane ticket to see her. She's now going to me asking me to get her stuff that cost so much money and I don't want to waste that much money I've been working for (I'm saving up money for my Greece trip). If it wasn't expensive I wouldn't mind but ooofff she wants Channel, Champion, Supreme, etc.
So you're a tattle-tale. If we ever become friends, remind me not to tell you anything personal
Ignore all her begging for free stuff. She's gone down a bad path and will have to learn all life lessons the hard way.
Hopefully your aunt will deal with her and then nnaybe she won't grow up to be a brat
Tell her to jump off a cliff.
- Why is my cousin so spoiled? So, my cousin is 16 and he begs for stuff. Things he got, NEW 13'' laptop, kindle paper white, a key bored (like a 100$ one), violin (he doesn't evan use it), iphone 5, and a ipad.(i still love them evan if there spoiled) but i still wanna no!
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- Why did she call me a spoiled brat? So today me and my friend were at mine getting ready for a party and she saw that I have a new camera and iPhone 4S as well as new art supplies and se pointed out then rolled her eyes and told me I don't all this stuff (I'm going to study art and photography at college and she knows this) I just sort of brushed it off then she couldn't find anything to wear in y first wardrobe so I told her to look in my other one then she called me a spoiled brat and stormed out.
- Why are people calling me a spoiled brat? So last Christmas here was my Christmas list: A MacBook pro computer New clothes Ugh boots An iPhone 5 A Samsung galaxy note tablet a $200 gift card A Xbox This is what I got instead: A new pair of socks Two candy canes A proscan tablet A $50 gift card Converse shoes A sweater And a braclet They always get the opposite of what I want! God my parents are so selfish! They make LOTS of money. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a Pharmacist. My cheap *** parents.