My dad can control when to turn off my internet. I have an iPhone 6s and a chrome book. How do I bypass it so I have unlimited time?

How do I make it so he can't control my internet.

When you start paying the internet bill

You would buy a wireless router and configure your own hidden network.

Turn 18, and get your own cell phone account.

Pay for an unlimited data and tethering plan on your phone

Turn 18, move out, purchase your own cell phone service.

Alternately, become an emancipated minor, move out, purchase your own cell phone service.

Get a job and get yr own phone line.

You can't. Your dad is paying for your iPhone service and it's in his name. He can discontinue that service any time he wants to. All he has to do is call the service provider and have the phone disconnected. If he does that, then you won't have ANY time - unlimited or otherwise.