My data on my verizon iPhone 4S?

Okay so i just got my iPhone 4S 2 months ago and i'm apparently using a lot of data. Does uploading pictures to instagram, or using twitter use a lot of data? I'm going to be a senior and i'm always on these websites and i don't want my parents to pay a lot of money when i know how to control it. Can you help me out?

Uploading (or downloading or streaming) pictures, videos, and music uses a lot of data - especially videos. Twitter does not use a lot of data unless you add or view pictures.

But when your iPhone is on Wi-Fi it will do all that stuff without using any data all.

Get the "My Verizon" app for your iPhone and watch it closely to get an idea of your daily data usage.

I have an iPhone 4S also, iPhones generally cause you to have a higher phone bill to pay anyway, there isn't really a good way to control it, there are only a few ways to try and lessen the bill. Get a contract with a higher data allowance (those apps will use up a lot of data) or to not use the apps at all, try switching your 3G off when you're not using the internet (sometimes iPhones can still charge, even if you're not using the internet at the current time), also try not to keep any pages open in Safari, close them as soon as you're done using them.

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