My eyes hurt, especially whe looking at a screen, why?

So recently my eyes started hurting, especially in the back when I look at my iphone screen or a screen in general, I haven't been having lots of screen time but I would watch about an hour to two hours of netflix on my phone when I go to bed, and my eyes are a bit more sensitive to light, are they just irritated or is there some bigger problem?

That could be due to overuse of computers, tv, etc. If you spend too much time staring at the bright screens of technology that can happen.

Or, you could have a concussion or some issue in which the screens are causing stress on your eyes, which hurts.

Try lowering the light on the display so it is easier on the eyes. Hold the display as far away from your eyes as you can when being able to see everything on the display to decrease how much your eyes need to focus inwards, this will be easier on the eyes muscles. Maybe you need eye drops for dry eyes. Maybe you need glasses.