My iphone 4 doesn't want to pick up Wi-Fi?

I had an iPhone 4 for the past few months and the Wi-Fi works great everywhere I go that has Wi-Fi. Unfortunately it broke a few days ago and i got a new phone, another iPhone 4. No matter where I go, it doesn't pick up Wi-Fi. There definitely is working Wi-Fi where I'm, because I've been using it for months and also at the moment.
the Wi-Fi on my phone is ON.
the Wi-Fi router is WORKING.
i tried resetting network settings, it did nothing
i tried resetting all settings, still no Wi-Fi.
anyone have any suggestions?

Did you put in the Wi-Fi password.

That also happened to my iphone 4. What i did was i sent it to apple and they gave me a new and working one.

It isn't a new issue, see
Particularly with iOS6! Go android, just kidding about that but they do connect to Wi-Fi better.

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