My iphone 4s is charging very very slowly?

I let my phone charge for about three hourse and it only charged from 3% to 5% and its really really slow; i'm not sure if its the battery or not. Also; i had finally charged it to 10% and i took it off the plug for a second the. It went back to 1%.

Charge in wall instead of computer, its faster.

I've heard this a lot. Iphones do take quite a while to charge. I've wouldn't know myself as I've never owned an Iphone. Try turning it off when charging and don't turn it on to use it!

It could be one of 2 things
iPhone battery: you need to get another battery or tell apple the battery isent working anymore and they might just give you a new phone
USB plug/charger: it could be the plug answer these questions:
Can you see the wires on the cored?
Is the plug old?
So you might need to get a new USB which is the charger. Also try charging it on the wall not on the computer

Wasza stara pierze w rzece - this is probably what it is with your phones

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