My iPhone 5 can't send or receive calls?
At least twice now my son tried to call it for a test. I'm at home with plenty of cell service (3 to 5 bars). My phone does not ring, it does not register as a recent or missed call, yet it goes to my voicemail.
Once my son left a voice mail and it alerted me like an hour after the voice mail was left. But didn't register as a missed or recent call.
Second time it went to voice mail and he didn't leave a msg. Still should register as a recent or missed call I would think.
This happening to anyone else?
Anyone have a solution?
Give me it.
I think you should go with Kajeet. That carrier seems perfect for you.
Once is a great while this happens to me with at&t… Like a few times in the entire year.
Borrow a phone or use your land line and call AT&T or get online with them. Maybe a bad sim card. Who knows, but we sure as heck don't know. Don't waste your time on here when you can probably easily get help with your carrier.
Call ATT and they will fix it for you. They probably will tell you to take out the battery for 1 minute and put it back in.
My iphone6 can make outgoing calls but can't text and receive text. It was unlocked here in the philippines. It came from japan
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