My iPhone 5c keeps glitching?

I got my iPhone at the end of of December 2013, and it worked great. But recently(as in the past few months), it keeps glitching whenever I look at YouTube videos or videos in general. I'll be watching a video and all of a sudden, the video part of what I'm watching will go back a couple of seconds (around 5ish) while the audio portion will keep on going like nothing happened. At first I thought it was just the connection at my house, but I've been to other places and it still does the same thing. I have also repeatedly refreshed the page I was on, and it rarely works (more like a 1/20 chance it'll work)This ends up being extremely frustrating because everything is off and I can't watch a video properly. What should I do? Can I fix this without going into an Apple Store to get it fixed? I already spent so much to get the phone itself and I really would like to avoid spending money.

Restart your iPhone (it doesn't erase anything and it's free) hold down the power button and home button for 10 seconds. If that doesn't work you could just wait and hope or you could do a factory reset and have it erase everything and start it new again.

Thank you so much you saved my phone!

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