My iPhone 6 fell in the water and now the sound doesn't work?

I was sitting by the pool when my brother let a pole fall on me which knocked my iPhone 6 out of my hand and into the pool. I got it out really fast though. Because it was just on a step but it was completely underwater. I out it in a bag of rice because apparently that dries the water out and today I got my phone out and everything worked besides the sound. When I play a song or a video or whatever, no sound comes out… And when I try to put the volume up or down, at the top it says "headphones" as if my headphones were plugged in which they're not. I looked in the headphone hole and there was some rice in there but I got it out but it still says the word "headphones" at the top when I try to raise or lower the volume. And no sound comes out either. When I plug my headphones in, the sound DOES work. The sound only works with my headphones plugged in. What do I do?

Sounds like the exterior speaker was damaged, but the headphone jack wasn't. You could get the speaker replaced, but there could be other damage inside that hasn't shown yet. Or you could get a new phone.

Keep the phone in the refrigerator for at least for 10 hrs in power off mode. While taking out wrap it with some polythene bag and wait for normal temp. Then power on the phone and try it again.

I've got a 4s but I fixed my friend's 6 the same way --

Turn your phone off, not plugged in, and get something not unlike a "pipe cleaner" you can find at craft stores or Wally World. Clean the audio jack with it, holding the phone either flat (parallel with the ground) or tipped slightly forward (with the audio facing down.)

Boot it up and give it a go. If it says the same thing, plug it in, let it set, and give it a go again. It can take a couple of tries, but I've fixed two phones this way. The audio jack is extremely sensitive, so it will act up if it has been prone to being filled in with water, dirt, or pert near any other substance.

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