My iPhone alarm doesn't play the song I want?

I have always woken up to the song Super Bass when I had my iPhone 5… Well after some unfortunate events I ended up getting a new iPhone 5. Everything is the same but… When I wake up it no longer plays the Super Bass song! In fact it still appears that I have chosen that song but only vibrates when I wake up! Someone help me! I LOVE SUPER BASS!

Duh just get and new one or if you can't buy it take it to a specelest

I'm not 100% sure on the exact way to do this, but you'll have to change your alarm settings from 'vibrate' to either 'vibrate and ring' or just 'ring'. I think you can change it the Alarm app, if not its in Settings

Why would you want a song as an alarm? I would start to hate that song since it wakes me up