My iPhone sent a text that I didn't type at all?
I was at dinner at a friends house and I checked the time. It said that I replied to my dad "can't talk now… Call you later" when me and my dad hasn't texted for hours an we had ended the conversation. I never even typed that… Ever to anyone. So basically instead of my iPhone alerting my that I had a new text it said replied: can't talk now call you later. Why did it do that? My dad is like freakin out bc he's like you were talking to boys weren't you? And I was like what? So um yeah now my dads in a bad mood. So please help me! It's an iPhone 5 by the way and its pretty new--got it like 2 weeks ago
Well new things are always glitchy if he is a tech guy good luck and if not just say a buch of electronic *** that could of happened and last resort say it was hacked or it was a mix up in the towers and there might be a software bug and somthing might have gone wrong with apple or your service provider
I'm pretty sure this is not possible. Just saying.
The iPhone 5's have a sort of 'busy' setting that auto-texts people when you turn the setting on. It might have gotten turned on on accident, but I would check it out in your settings. If that's not the case, then uh-oh, there are ways for people to hack phones and send messages through them, but I wouldn't know how.
- Why didn't I receive text messages people sent while I was away? - 1 I was away in Italy and I took my cell phone, but turned off roaming and data. Anyway, when we got back my sister received text messages people sent while she was away, but I didn't. People told me they texted me and I never got them. I don't this guy to think I'm ignoring him if he also sent me a text while I was away. I have an iPhone and my carrier is Verizon.
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