My iPhone won't charge! What do I do?
I just got an iPhone 4s a couple months ago and now it won't charge. I tried like 10 different wall outlets and nothing. I even used the USB and plugged it into my computer. My battery is almost dead and I really need my phone as an alarm in the morning.
Should I take it into Apple and see if they will fix it? Will it make a difference if my iPhone is jailbroken? My battery is at like 3% and Its not enough battery to un-jailbreak it. I'm kind of afraid Apple won't fix my phone because its jailbroken. What should I do?
Added (1). I haven't synced my phone to iTunes in a while so I'm also afraid if they fix my phone I'm going to lose all my most valuable pictures on my phone, plus all my songs. None of my songs are from iTunes so… :\
Added (2). I have two chargers laying around and both of them don't work!
Added (3). My uncle tried restarting my phone hoping it would work and I tried wiggling the charger around and nothing. I looked inside and it looks like the one of the prongs is split on the inside of my phone:\
And thats retarded, Apple won't help you if your device is jailbroken…
Get a new charger
Apple won't fix if it's jailbroken. Try turning it off and plugging it into a wall socket, make sure the lead is completely in tact
Just run the redsn0w tool if you used that one to jailbreak and restore an IPSW.
if you did just download it from the official site:
or the direct link here:
I have done all of them my iPhone only charges if it is off and it takes longer… What else can I do now
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