My iPhone Won't Charge?

I use an iPhone 6S, and my phone refuses to charge, the issue isn't the charging cord or the outlet i debunked that already after replacing the cord, and switching to a outlet i can 100% say works, even the charging brick works too. When the phone is plugged in the battery pops up on the center of the screen indicating it is charging but it never goes up and never changes. This happened yesterday too and my phone came on randomly on its own after a while, but today it doesn't seem to want too. Is this the result of the constant IOS updates on older iphone versions? Maybe the weather being to cold? (my phone loses charge extremly fast in cold weather and its 35F outside at the time of this question.) do i need a new battery? Or is my phone just officially bricked?

Go to the nearest phone store and have them have a look at it. You may need a new battery.

Your phone is 4+ years old. It needs a new battery.

You just described an iPhone with a bad battery. Every Phone's battery will go bad eventually. Fortunately it's very easy to replace an iPhone 6S's battery and literally any strip mall repair shop can do it and there's also many DIY kits sold online and in stores like Fry's.

I would take it to a phone place and ask them to fix it

Its a dead battery, have it replaced.

I think its your phone battery. Most old phones don't keep their charge or stop charging after 2-3 years.

They said in the new OS update it could charge in the microwave for 2mins at high