My iPhone won't notify me for text messages?

I have my ringer on. I have notifications on. I have banners, sounds, and vibrations on. The only way I'll know I'm getting texts is going to my home screen and checking to see if there are any red numbers on the iMessage icon. Or pulling down the top menu.

Try turning the volume up, play close attention and try turning "Do Not Disturb" OFF if its on.

Do you have checked in the setting "show in lockscreen" since that seems to be the place you can't see it on?

That's what was wrong with my phone, the "Do not disturb" thing was on. This really helped.

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I phone had an update and my "Do Not Distrub" button was on. I turned it off and it works!

On the iPhone Apple 8 phone there's a small switch on the side of the phone above the volume buttons. Toggle that small switch.